Systems House Launch

A Systems House is a critical unit in the polyurethane industry. It oversees the formulation of new polyurethane systems on a laboratory scale. Successful systems are subsequently produced on a commercial scale in the blending plant for sale to customers.

Vitapur’s Polyurethane Systems House is the result of visionary thinking and strategic planning by Vitafoam Group Management. As such, the blending plant has been positioned to provide versatile polyurethane solutions to multiple Nigerian industries including manufacturing and construction.

Blended Rigid Polyurethane Foam Polyols :
Blended polyols are a primary raw material in the two-component system required to produce rigid polyurethane foam for thermal insulation applications. Rigid foam polyols can be formulated and blended for injection applications, block molding applications, and spray systems. Vitapur’s Systems House blends polyol systems for use on the company’s SAIP discontinuous press.
Vitapur has partnered with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment to introduce ozone-friendly polyol systems and phase-out the use of ozone-depleting HCFC gases in the Nigerian thermal insulation industry.

Pre-polymer Binder :
Pre-polymer binder is a single component system widely used in the production of reconstituted foam blocks by foam manufacturers. Vitapur is currently positioned to supply pre-polymer binder to major foam manufacturers across Nigeria.

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